About Us

Emily Frazer, Owner, Sierra Thermography
We are passionate about breast health at Sierra Thermography Center, and are excited that so many women are embracing this technology and choosing to become truly proactive about their breast health.
Our mission is to empower women with the information they need to improve their breast health, clean up unhealthy conditions and in some cases even reverse dangerous conditions that are already present. We offer comprehensive breast education and support, as well as numerous resources that can assist you in making sound breast health choices based on your own preferences and intuition. Emily is a Board Certified Thermographic Technician, and our scans are interpreted by Dr. Robert Kane, a Board Certified Thermologist.

Dr. Robert Kane, DC, DABCT, FIACT
Our scans are interpreted by Robert L. Kane, DC, DABCT, FIACT, who brings 30+ years of experience to the field. Dr. Kane acquired his training through the International Thermographic Society and achieved Diplomate level certification through the American Board of Clinical Thermography (ABCT). He also achieved Diplomate certification through the International Academy of Clinical Thermology (IACT) and was recognized as a “Fellow” by IACT for contributions to the field of thermal imaging. Dr. Kane furthered his knowledge of breast applications under the tutelage of Dr. William Hobbins, one the world’s leading authorities. Dr. Kane currently serves on the board of IACT and ABCT and provides high quality training for thermography technicians. He currently maintains a busy thermal imaging interpretation practice.